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Are you starting a new job soon, or is finding a new job a 2020 goal? If so, you are probably familiar with the concept of onboarding – or, how your new employer will bring you into the company culture, share policies and procedures, and set you up for success.

It’s certainly nice to be welcomed and taken care of in the first few days of employment. But what I find even more powerful (as a former HR professional) is teaching you (yes, you, the new employee) how to participate in the onboarding process and start taking charge of your career from day one.

Research shows that practicing gratitude on a regular basis is linked to enhanced self-esteem, feeling more positive about work, improving and strengthening relationships, becoming more effective managers and teammates, and reducing stress. To name a few!

Here are three ways to practice gratitude to improve your career happiness – and perhaps even find deeper meaning in your work.

You were laid off from your job. Whether you saw it coming or it was a total surprise, you are probably experiencing a lot of emotions, including that feeling of “What do I do now?”

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