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When I think about what constitutes career happiness, I think of the people who lend support along the way. Personally I have changed jobs, left jobs, landed jobs using creative and assertive job hunting strategies, and started my own business. A lot of it took courage, especially when it came to the dividing line between following a gut instinct and following the path someone else thought was best for me. Those who supported me over the years allowed me to fail – just as much as I succeeded.

American labor conditions in the late 1800s were truly atrocious. Families – and even children – were forced to work seven days a week, often for 12 hours a day in order to simply put food on the table. Add to that unsafe, unsanitary working conditions, and even death…your job could literally kill you. This holiday is a tribute to those who took a stand and changed history, bringing about lasting changes to the way people work and the environments in which they spent the majority of their time.

In a “perfect” world, managers would support, guide and inspire their team with wisdom and enthusiasm. The sad reality is, however, many managers fall short of this ideal. For whatever reason, rather than lead and motivate, many managers simply hold the title without seizing the opportunities – and responsibilities – the position requires. As a result, those managers’ teams find themselves unmotivated, directionless and unproductive. If you’re one of those team members, struggling to find meaning and a sense of professional satisfaction while suffering under poor management, take solace in the fact that you’re not alone.

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