This topic never ceases to fascinate me, because the issue of staying or going is rarely about the money. People will stay (or leave) jobs because of….people! As a former HR Professional I have seen plenty of employees come and go in the different jobs I have held over the years. I have also listened to lots of complaints, which have mostly been about working with people, from difficult co-workers to poor managers.
Most interesting (to me), there are plenty of people who don’t believe one bit in the company they are working for, but will stay because of a great team or group of co-workers. Conversely, people will hightail it from a fantastic company because of a poor manager. If employers only knew!! Well, many of them do…but that’s for another post.
Below are findings from studies and surveys on top reasons why people leave jobs:
- The job was misrepresented in some way (e.g. longer hours than expected, less responsibility) and there is a feeling broken promises or lack of follow-through on the part of the employer
- The company culture does not mesh with the employee’s values
- Expectations are unclear and there is little or no feedback or recognition
- There is no coaching or opportunity for career advancement
- Work/life conflicts
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