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What makes you unique? Here’s a great way to both brainstorm your uniqueness and practice getting feedback from others, which are 2 important steps to creating your personal brand.

  1. Get a piece of paper and write down 5 words you would use to describe yourself. (NOTE: If you find this difficult, you are not alone. Do your best and be thoughtful about this first step).
  2. Pick 2-3 people you feel comfortable collecting feedback from.
  3. Ask each person you have chosen this question: Could you give me feedback about me? (NOTE: Refrain from explaining or adding detail to the question. Simply repeat the question if necessary).
  4. Listen when he or she speaks and do not interrupt (NOTE: do take notes).
  5. When you have collected each person’s feedback, compare it to what you have written about yourself: What jumps out? What are you surprised by, if anything? Does your self-description and the feedback match up?

Assessing what you believe to be true about yourself and comparing it to the feedback you get from others can be an eye-opener, if not a game changer when it comes to your career. Perception is important to your career success, especially if you don’t like what you are hearing. This branding exercise will equip you with information you did not have before, allow you to take control and even change the message you are sending others, and build a better, more powerful personal brand.


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