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Coaching is about improving performance. The crux of coaching lies in helping people set specific goals and achieve them. Organizations are using professional coaches to develop future leaders, improve management behaviors, and produce better bottom line results. Individuals are hiring coaches to become more satisfied or productive at work, create a better quality of life, or fulfill a lifelong dream.

Career coaches are helping organizations and individuals produce positive, invaluable outcomes. Surveys of organizations that use coaching reveal significant improvements in productivity, retention, working relationships, and profitability. Individuals are reporting increased workplace satisfaction, enhanced quality of life, and greater accountability for their own professional development. Coaching is about getting things done – and the results are extraordinary.

Coaching is not therapy, advice, counseling or even mentoring. Instead, coaching services include values clarification, brainstorming, identifying plans of action, examining modes of operating in life, asking clarifying questions, and making empowering requests.


Are you experiencing a particular challenge at work? Could you use help clarifying your strengths and capabilities? Do you wonder why you aren’t getting greater recognition or being promoted? Do you feel stuck in the career you have chosen? If you answered yes to any of these questions, or, if you feel generally dissatisfied with your career, then enlisting the support of a career coach can help.

Career coaches offer a valuable, objective perspective by helping individuals take a step back and reevaluate where they want to go with their careers. Career coaches help individuals learn and practice consistent behaviors that yield greater career satisfaction. Career coaches also help support organizational recruitment and retention efforts by coaching employees on taking an active, participatory role in their careers instead of waiting for the organization to provide them with career success.

Whatever the reason, career coaches help individuals become more personally and professionally satisfied by overcoming obstacles and making lasting, behavioral changes.

Interested in our career management programs? Click here to learn more about our work with organizations!


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