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Resource Center

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Developing self-confidence is not an easy task, especially when it comes to our careers.

When we are applauded for the assignment we did well, the client we made happy, or the job we successfully won, it makes us feel really good about ourselves. When others see and note our good work and success, it feels even better. That’s called external validation.

But how do we do this for ourselves? 

Welcome to 2022! There is no doubt that the world of work will continue to change, or, put more positively, evolve. Working preferences, such as working remotely or in a hybrid environment, are now major considerations for job seekers. Organizations who allow employees that ever-so-important benefit of flexibility – to choose how and when we work – will increasingly attract top diverse talent.

Still, navigating a persistent global pandemic will continue to pose challenges for workers, both professionally and personally. Amidst this backdrop, we can create greater fulfillment by actively managing our careers, making authentic choices, and living our values.

In 2020, you likely discovered your resilience, based on the many challenges you faced in life and career. Resilience speaks to your ability to bounce back from a setback, overcome adversity, and strengthen yourself mentally.

But what about your resourcefulness?

Resourcefulness hasn’t gotten as much airtime, although it is just as crucial in this new, Covid-19 landscape. Resourcefulness is your ability to think creatively or imaginatively in finding solutions, and it can be key to conducting a successful job search during challenging times.

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