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You’ve arrived at your interview early, or with a few minutes to spare — great! Congratulations on not being late.

However, you may find yourself in that “hurry up and wait” zone of discomfort: forced to bide your time until the interview begins.

Let’s think about how you can make the most of this transition.

Job hunting. It can be one of the single most challenging, and downright infuriating, necessities that comes with having a career. What’s even more frustrating? The number of times we can expect to CHANGE jobs during our lifetimes — whether we want to or not.

Building your personal brand can be the difference between surviving organizational change with your employer and failing to make the cut. Or, if you’re looking outside your current walls, between landing a new role and losing it to your competitor.

The thought of returning to work can be challenging, not to mention the many steps it takes to get there. While returning to work does have its unique challenges, it’s also an exciting time to recognize newly acquired skills and strengths, and possibly even enjoy an entirely different career from the one you left.

If you find fear holding you back, know that employers of all shapes and sizes need your skills and what you have to offer. Putting one foot in front of the other is the way to find that exciting new opportunity.

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